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of the Commissioners of the United States, 
appointed to hold conferences with the several 
Nations of Indians South of the Ohio 
Commenced by Colo Hawkins one of the Commrs  
On the 18th July He received from the Secy of 
War the following letter at Tookaubatchee 
dated War Dept, 18 June 1801.  
The president of the United States 
having appointed you a commissioner, 
jointly with William R Davie and James 
Wilkinson Esquires to hold conferences with 
several of the Indian Nations, South of Ohio, 
you are requested to repair to South West 
point in the state of Tennessee by the 
first day of August next there to meet your 
colleagues, the first named of whom will 
be the bearer of your commissions & Instructions

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Background image: Michigan Avenue, Chicago, ca. 1910s